Unlimited Bodies

Performa 2019, New York, United States

For Performa 19, choreographer and CalArts Dean of Dance Dimitri Chamblas and art historian Sigrid Pawelke propose a seven-day interdisciplinary experiment inspired by the radical pedagogies of the Bauhaus (1919-1933) and Black Mountain College (1933-1957). Conceived for a group of 15 graduate students, this intensive workshop asks of each member to fluidly change roles throughout the week: from participant to session leader and from originator to critic.

Cianci & Felix, Tues. Nov. 12th, Subway Stop Atlantic Avenue Subway stop, Brooklyn NY.

Felix, Madison & June, Sun. Nov. 17th, Deitch Gallery NYC.

Anais, Sat. Nov.16th, Deitch Gallery NYC.

Sigrid, Wed. Nov. 13th, Colombus Circle, Whole Food Store, NYC.

This pedagogical experiment entitled UNLIMITED BODIES brings together participants from various backgrounds and disciplines (critical studies, dance, theater, visual arts) to multiply perspectives. For the occasion, Performa partners with CalArts School of Dance, NYU, University of Giessen, and Paris École des Beaux-Arts. Participants meet every day at the Performa Hub and conduct throughout the day private and public sessions structured around themes such as: the Anthropocene body, artificial intelligence, migration. Throughout the week, UNLIMITED BODIES evolves according to its participants’ inputs with each student actively contributing to the program by intermittently taking on the role of teacher and suggesting group actions, visits, people to meet or texts to discuss. For seven days, New York City is their campus.

Anais, Mon. Nov. 11th, Central Park, NYC.

Alice, Wed. Nov. 13th, Central Park, NYC.

Cianci, Mun Wei, Anias, Dimitri, Sigrid & Alice, Sun. Nov. 17th, Deitch Gallery, NYC. © Paula Court

100 hours of radical pedagogy:
100 years with the Bahaus

United Bodies Warm Up, Tues. Nov. 12th, Deitch Gallery, NYC.

Drag show, Thur. Nov. 14th, Otto’s shrunken heads Bar14th Street, NYC.

Anais, Wed. Nov. 13th, Central Park, NYC.

Anais, Thur. Nov. 14th, Ground Zero Commercial center, NYC.

Huang Po Chih : «Heaven on Fourth»,
Fri. Nov. 15th, Performa Hub, Wooster Street, NYC.

Anais, Sat. Nov. 16th, Performa Hub, Deitch Gallery, NYC.

Sigrid, Tue. Nov. 12th, House of Yes, Brooklyn, NYC.

Felix, Thur. Nov. 14th, Public Library NYC.

Mun Wei, Wed. Nov. 13th, Mount Sinai Hospital Movement Laboratory, NYC.

Sigrid Pawelke, Dimitri Chamblas, Alexis Alleyne-Caputo, Anaïs Barras, June Chee, Allie Costa, Madison Hicks, Tatum Howey, Cianci Kalid Melo-Carrillo, Mun Wai Lee, Jiaoyang Li, Alice Nogueira, Allison Smith, Félix Touzalin, Siye Zhang, François-Thibaut Pencenat