Performa 17
The Environment Bubble

A widely influential blueprint designed in 1965 by Canadian architect François Dallegret, “The Environment-Bubble” is brought to life for the first time. Initially envisioned as a flexible, temporary dome that would transform our modes of living, the “Bubble” became a reference point for generations of architects questioning their discipline and seeking a radical dissolution of public and private spaces.

For Performa 17, Dallegret collaborates with architect François Perrin and choreographer Dimitri Chamblas, to turn the inflatable structure into an active site of intellectual and physical engagement with free daily dance workshops, open to the public. 


Brooklyn Bridge Park
Empire Fulton Ferry Lawn

Nov 8 - New York, United States

Central Park
Mineral Springs

Nov 9 - New York, United States

The Environment-Bubble © François Dallegret 1965-2017. Collaboration with François Perrin, Dimitri Chamblas. Curators Charles Aubin, François Perrin.