Mutant stage

Mutant Stage is a series of choreographed short films initiated by Amélie Coster and Dimitri Chamblas, and produced by Lafayette Anticipations – Fondation d’entreprise Galeries Lafayette during the renovation of its 9 rue du Plâtre building between 2015 to 2018.

Throughout the renovation conducted by OMA and Rem Koolhaas, and until the public opening of the Fondation at the beginning of 2018, the 9 rue du Plâtre building is the object of an investigation into its own mutation. The evolving architecture is measured over the months by in situ encounters between directors and performers. Each shoot serves the opportunity for a different encounter that sets bodies and matter into motion, breathing life into the changing building.

Mutant Stage 3

For the third episode of the series, Benjamin Millepied adopts simultaneously the roles of choreographer, dancer and director.

By personifying the building’s ubiquitous nature, he reveals in black and white the state of transition of certain emptied spaces. The 9 rue du Plâtre, currently immersed in an architectural, chromatic and choreographic in-between, is exposed delicately to the audience. Benjamin Millepied’s lens and rhythm offer a new perspective on the bare space, now resembling a skeleton composed of dust and steel. As such, the third Mutant Stage episode distills the structure to its simplest form, where only lines, material and light remain.

Director & Dancer

Benjamin Millepied

Creative Director Assistant

Adrien Dantou


Rameau “Suite en la n°7”


Alexandre Tharaud


Amélie Couillaud

Mutant Stage 7
Cloud chasers

Throughout this exploration of smoke sculptures created by cloud chasers, (LA)HORDE seeks to give shape to a latent moment within the Fondation’s transition.

The smoke occupies the building’s space with a volatile and magical aesthetic, exploring its potential to welcome artworks and creative projects in development. It bears witness to a space in transition, whose shapes are not yet defined. The cloud chasers, a new generation of smokers, embody an active expectation which gives rise to an artistic exploration. Their poses in the space emphasise that the Fondation d’entreprise Galeries Lafayette already exists, and that pieces are created within it. This film wishes to be a surprising and unexpected response to Lafayette Anticipation’ commission, offering a radical gesture stemming from an alternative examination of dance and spaces for creation.

Sound Design

Pierre Aviat


“Defeat” by Oklou


Amélie Couillaud


(La)Horde - Marine Brutti, Jonathan Debrouwer, Arthur Harel


Jakub Moravec
Jakub Sonnek
Michal Zdrazil

Mutant Stage 8

Between the outstretched arms of a basket crane, Marie-Agnès Gillot and Dimitri Chamblas dance gently in front of Xavier Veilhan's low-tech camera in the 9 rue du Plâtre construction site, still void of its future glass tower. Exclusively filmed on the site’s patio, this eighth episode of the Mutant Stage series sets free from the piece’s original choreography, this time revealing itself through a low definition image and crystal-clear music composed by Jonathan Fitoussi.


Jonathan Fitoussi “Silences”


Amélie Couillaud


Xavier Veilhan


Marie-Agnès Gillot
Dimitri Chamblas

Mutant Stage 10

Barnaby Roper's work blurs the boundaries between commercial filmmaking and fine art.
His knack for combining live action footage with groundbreaking post production techniques and rattling sound design sets him apart from his peers, and puts him on the bleeding edge of moving image production across all disciplines, from interactive videos, to installations, and everything in between.

Barnaby Roper completed a degree in graphical art at Central Saint Martins with first-degree honors. He immediately began working as a director, and has since become one of the most renowned names in fashion film, music videos, commercials and photography. Barnaby Roper has collaborated with Kanye West, David Bowie, and Banks on groundbreaking editorial projects and music videos, and has directed commercials for clients including Nike, Dior, Givenchy, Chanel, Hugo Boss, L'Oréal, Karl Lagarfeld and Victor & Rolf.


Régis Badel
Seydou Boro
Victoria Dauberville
Clémence Galliard
Alexis Hedouin
Fanny Sage
Léo Walk
Violette Wanty 


Amélie Couillaud


Barnaby Roper

Lafayette Anticipations

Mutant Stage